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Long-Term Recovery
Trauma & EMDR
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Sacred Ceremonies
Fees & Contact
"Always remember you’re unique,
just like everyone else.”
~ Author Unknown
Contact Gretchen for a Free Consultation
What we wanted to leave behind from our youth
inadvertently emerges in adulthood.
Children brought up in homes with active addiction learned it wasn’t safe to feel or to speak authentically. Unwittingly, secrets, denial and lies violated trust. The crazy-making of such an environment bleeds into how we treat ourselves, how we treat others and how we see the world. Blaming became a consistent habit and our existence was choked by misery and defeat. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
The good news is, we can move away from ways of being that don’t work! In order to choose something different, we need to know what we are doing. I love guiding the ACOA process of self-exploration – sensitive pacing, selfcare and lots of compassion are crucial. When we know what’s in our heart, mind, and body, the door opens for trust, authentic expression and shifts in perspective. We can even find evidence of brilliance and wholeness! It is delightful to feel the joy and satisfaction that comes with this recovery process!!
I invite you to check out the list of challenging characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics using the links below:
Laundry List
And the promises that come with recovery here:
Recovery Promises