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Soul Shine - Trauma & EMDR

"… trauma is a fact of life.
It does not, however, have to be
a life sentence.” ~ Peter Levine


Recent experts in the field describe varying degrees and types of trauma. Simply stated, trauma occurs when safety is threatened, compromised or violated – our stability is severely ruptured – and we don’t recover from the impact. It makes us lose our ability to trust and to be in the here and now. Unresolved trauma closes off a part of our being, blocking optimal energy flow, including emotional expression. Maladaptive life patterns are often rooted in chronic, unresolved trauma.

Fascinated by trauma and amazed by its pervasiveness, I continue to deepen my training and expertise in this area. I’ve worked since 2001 helping clients recover from personal trauma. As a somatic trauma specialist, I can help you reestablish trusting your own body, a crucial aspect of trauma healing. Developing safety, attentive pacing, recognizing rightness and integration of fragmented parts are vital in this process. Together we can create what you need to move out of confusion and debilitating triggers and into resolution, trust and peace.


I’m trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), an amazing technique for trauma resolution, and other difficulties as well, that is taught only to professionals. If I think that it could be useful for you, we would discuss it first. There is a whole set of preparations needed to get a person ready to do EMDR, so that would be the next step.

For some people, it has an almost magical healing effect, and for others, the effect is more subtle, but definitely present. And, like other healing methods, it doesn’t work for everyone. You can say, no thanks, that’s not for me. Or you can try it and see. You can read more about EMDR here: