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"Your sacred space is where
you can find yourself again and again.”
~ Joseph Campbell

Sacred ceremonies align with us with our inner beings
and build a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious.

We co-create them together, you and I. Your ideas, your sense about what objects, locations and words to use, make the ceremony meaningful to you. I offer suggestions for structure, sounds, movements, readings, etc. Ceremonies are particularly useful for transitions, grieving, and celebrations. They’re for creating sacredness around letting go, welcoming and opening space for things we don’t usually pay attention to in our busy lives. Ceremonies help us connect to and align with our inner being. Inner alignment radiates through our bodies, igniting cellular remembering of the deep Knowing of Who we are. It opens the channels of vitality, allowing restoration to all systems, which feels delicious and supports authentic communication with others.

They’re for honoring beginnings, endings, successes and for connecting to questions, as well as answers. Ceremonies are about joining with spirit, with our deeper selves, through metaphor, symbolism, and intention; the language of the soul. Having done these for many years, I would be delighted to help you craft and implement your very own sacred ceremony!