Groups & Classes
Shine the Light gives participants an opportunity to learn to be totally honest with themselves, without judgment, reaching into new places with curiosity in a safe environment. As each person becomes immersed in the special writing recipe for unpacking resentments, they grow their capacity to observe their thoughts, emotions, behaviors and reactions. This develops the ability to pause and consider conscious responding, versus reacting from the imprinted, automatic patterns. It uncovers thinking and behavior patterns that underpin distressful self-talk and relationship difficulties, particularly ones beneath addictions and trauma. Empowerment reigns when we replace the old patterns with realistic, love-based choices.
Curiosity and radical acceptance are fostered. An individualized self-compassion recipe is created for each participant to use forever. Yay! The group sharing helps participants experience that they’re not alone. Body awareness techniques for remembering and selfcare are practiced. Somatic (body based) techniques add a layer of effectiveness that accelerates transformation. Handouts are included.
Shine the Light group is a life-changer and has already helped many participants completely shift relationships. One person with a long-held resentment towards a sister had tried for 15 years to let it go, using various methods. They were delighted to be freed from this obsession after going through the group process! Another had deep-seated resentments (about 50 years’ worth) toward their mother, which caused much distress, as mom was on her death bed. After participating in Shine the Light, they were able to release the resentments and accept their mother, who waited for them to arrive before transitioning. They lovingly let mom go, allowing for a peaceful crossing over the veil.
Shine the Light is a gender-specific group (participants in each group identify as the same gender) that meets weekly, generally for 4 months.
Here’s more that participants learn:
- how to stop judging ourselves.
- how blaming keeps us from feeling.
- how to understand and value emotions.
- how to move from reacting to responding.
- how to connect to self-love and acceptance.
- how to recognize the impact of cultural norms.
- how to let go of reactions that don’t work for us.
- how to develop “feel good” emotional patterns.
What participants have said about this group:
“For the first time in 10 years, I’m excited about my life.”
“I’m able to let go of shame that I didn’t know I had.”
“This group helped me have compassion for myself.”
“I can be closer to people.”
“I’m not afraid that who I am may affect whether or not I get what I wanted from you because I’m not trying to get it from you anymore.”
“I’m not trying to squish myself into an acceptable box anymore.”
“I had no idea I was believing all those lies.”
I invite you to connect with me if you are interested in this transformational group!
When you register before one month ahead of group start date.
Pay in full $1,795*
Payment Plan: $500 deposit +
4 payments of $350*
When you register within one month ahead of group start date.
Pay in full $1,995*
Payment Plan: $500 deposit +
4 payments of $400*
*Credit card payments available.
Balance due/payment plan initiated before group start date.
This is a group that meets for a day (5-6 hours with a break for lunch.) We begin by visualizing the joy in our lives and consider what makes our cells sing. Then we make MAGIC together by creating a something – a book, a box, a poster or whatever each person is most drawn to use for the purpose of remembering the things already known (and maybe add some new ones) that help us feel really good without a shaming aftertaste. We’ll take the group time to put this something together and, if we want to, share it with each other. The final creation, then, is yours to keep and use as needed for whenever those triggering times arise. So bring your mags, bags, boxes, fabrics, poster board, ribbons, lace, do-dads, paper, pens, scissors, glue etc. for collaging (I’ll bring some, as well), and your comfy clothes for moving, ‘cause we’ll do a little of that, too! Let’s make MAGIC together!!
Mastering Boundaries – Online, Live 8-week Group
We’re told that we’re supposed to have good boundaries – what does that really mean? If you’ve been wondering what boundaries are, how to recognize yours and use them to light up your soul, this group is for you!
Have you ever said “yes” when you really wanted to say “no”?
Do you prioritize others’ feelings, desires or needs over yours?
Are you tired of seething internally while dutifully fulfilling your obligations?
Do you do most things yourself because you don’t want to ask for help?
Do you give long explanations about why you can’t attend an event?
These very struggles, and others, are at the heart of much of the anxiety in our lives and are directly linked to the quality of our boundaries.
Mastering Boundaries is for you if you:
Want to say “no” without explanation or guilt.
Want to accurately assess what’s your responsibility in a conflict.
Want to know what’s an appropriate level of self-disclosure.
Want to identify and respectfully ask for what you need.
Want to be able to choose guilt-free selfcare.
Are you ready to upsurge your personal power, ignite your vitality and tap into a sense of belonging in 2022?
Join me for an 8-week online group where we’ll learn what boundaries are, how they work and practice growing into an effective “Boundary Boss” in our lives.
Register online here.
We will be reading the book “Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free” on our 8 week online discovery journey.
You can purchase the book at Amazon.
January 19th-March 9th (last class)
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (MST)
$800 per person
**(flexible payment options are available)